Your partner for the decarbonization journey

We are here to provide you with a smooth and easy decarbonization experience.

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We help companies create their own net-zero strategy

We'll be with you until the end of the path. We are here not just to measure but to accompany you through the decarbonization journey. What we offer is a real reduction plan with the best-in-class technology and experts.

Learn and act on your carbon footprint

Our platform provides you with specific reports that follow GHG protocol’s requirements, getting every information you need to get certified for your carbon action.

Everything you need in just one click

Make decisions better and faster learning how to use our platform to automate data gathering.

We are commited to our mission

We care about the environment, and we care about businesses. We believe that all companies play a key role in decarbonization, no matter the size or the industry.

Simple and convenient

As part of our commitment to our mission of helping society reduce, we will suggest ways for you to carry on the process but adapting to your needs. We won't recommend you to take any action that will harm your business operations.

Talk to our team

Meet our team

Who will be embarking with you on this journey?
Mário Simões
Raquel Afonso
Sales & Customer Care
Javier Amador
Sales & Operations
María Paniagua
Strategy & Sustainability
Cristina García
Customer Success & Sustainability
Hajar Mrabet
Technology & Product
Alicia Martínez
Brand & Product
Some of the experts behind ONAU
Nuno Pinto
Energy transition | Mobility & Solar
Javier Gorospe
Decarbonization & transition plans

Are you interested in a better understanding of your carbon footprint? We are here for you.

Talk to us