We know how it is most efficient and easier to reduce your company emissions

Make your business sustainable with accurate measurement, specific advise and a real reduction plan.

Contact our team

Take action on your emissions with our 3-step plan: join at any stage!

ONAU customizes its solutions to meet your needs, regardless of where you are on your decarbonization journey.
Step 1

Understand your emissions: measurement

Forget about math and endless excel sheets. We'll do everything for you. Obtain a customized dashboard that will allow you to monitor your emissions, establish a time-plan for your actions, and pinpoint your weak points.

Introduce the data about your current emissions in a smooth and easy way. We’ll guide you through the process. Easily enter your emissions data manually or automatically. We will guide you through the process on our platform.

Get a personalized dashboard in which you can visually see your carbon hotspots divided by scopes and track your performance over time. Get forecasts of your investments across time.

Obtain the reports you need to be compliant with regulations and inform all the stakeholders involved in your business.

Step 2

Move to action: reduction recommendations

Once you know where you are, our team can help you move forward on the journey by drawing  the full picture of your business. If it results useful for your business, we will study your case and define a specific implementation plan based on your company activity analysis and your interests.

We'll configure your reduction actions carefully so that future decisions are based on accurate data

Learn what solution is best for you: receive time, cost, and energy efficient solutions.

Create a time-plan for your reduction actions aligned with your company’s strategy.

Establish a budget and get advice on how to invest on reducing emissions in a more efficient way.

Want to learn further about our Energy Transition Plans? Talk to our team!

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Step 3

Get it done: Implementation

With the help of our trusted experienced partners we'll help you implement effective reduction actions and track your progress. ONAU adapts to your size and sector needs with a tailor-made, industry-focused action plan.

Our team will translate theory into practice for you. Because everything is integrated into our platform, you won't need to search for companies that provide you with tool to reduce. Depending on your objective, we will specifically give you the means.

We'll help you on this journey

Focus on what’s important when reducing your emissions

Don't lose sight of your business

We combine our platform's data processing power, the expertise of our sustainability specialists, and our understanding of the needs of SMEs to direct businesses toward attaining their ESG target. Get on board!

Make reduction profitable for your business

Not only is the environment at stake, but also your company's future. Having more cost-effective energy, transportation, or technological resources could result in significant financial savings.

Don't stress about regulations chaos

We are up to date with both European and country specific requirements for you to operate without any issues and ahead of competitors.

Are you interested in a better understanding of your carbon footprint? We are here for you.

Talk to our experts